Advocacy, Policy & Research
Greater Manchester Living Wage Campaign
The real Living Wage can play an important role in addressing low pay and boosting household income. Resolve Poverty runs the Greater Manchester Living Wage Campaign, advocating for widespread adoption of the Living Wage across the city-region.
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National influencing
National policy can create the conditions and provide the resources and power for localities and regions to realise their potential in driving down poverty.
Resolve Poverty’s role in national influencing is to work on areas where central government action can enable localities to do more.
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Socio-economic duty
The socio-economic duty can act as a powerful tool for addressing poverty and creating a fairer society. Resolve Poverty campaigns for national enaction of the duty and provides implementation support to public bodies voluntarily adopting it.
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Local anti-poverty strategies
Poverty is on the rise, but the UK Government has no plan or strategy to address poverty. Resolve Poverty supports local authorities and other public bodies to develop their own anti-poverty strategies.
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Local anti-poverty strategies
Poverty is on the rise, but the UK Government has no plan or strategy to address poverty. Resolve Poverty supports local authorities and other public bodies to develop their own anti-poverty strategies.
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