August 13, 2024

How environmental action is key in the battle to eradicate poverty

By Liz Gadd, Environmental Lead at New Philanthropy Capital and Programme Director for Everyone’s Environment

To address climate change and wider environmental harm, we need to change how we live, work, travel, eat, and more. This ‘transition’ to a new way of living that is less reliant on fossil fuels and other harmful human activity is an opportunity to address historic inequality and eradicate poverty.

People experiencing poverty have contributed the least to climate change, for example twelve billionaires’ carbon emissions are equal to fueling 2.1m homes. Yet despite contributing the least to the problem, the poorest communities are hit hardest by our changing environment on a global level and here in the UK. This also means that those in poverty in the UK stand to benefit the most from environmental policies that are fair and maximise the opportunities to simultaneously address social inequity.

New Philanthropy Capital (NPC)’s recent publication ’How will the climate and nature crises affect people living in poverty?’ details the challenges and the opportunities for a fairer, healthier future for everyone.

Here are just five examples of the co-benefits that can be achieved for people in poverty through environmental action:

For environmental policy and local adaptation to work, it must work for everyone. However, that is not guaranteed.

Charities have an important role to play in ensuring people in poverty have a voice in decisions that affect their lives. Policymakers must involve representatives of all groups affected, and charities can support that process as we already have trusted relationships with people facing multiple disadvantage.

Everyone’s Environment, a coalition of 70 charities, is working to make this case. We share our learning and resources widely. If you want to take environmental action that contributes to eradicating poverty, get in touch.


This article is featured in our 14 August newsletter.

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