Celebrating people, organisations and networks making a real difference in resolving poverty across the UK
New for 2024, the Resolve Poverty Awards will celebrate those playing a significant role in tackling poverty in local areas and regions across the country. Nominations are now closed – award winners will be announced and celebrated across our media channels in October 2024.
Award categories
Reducing health inequalities
Partnership working - strategy
Partnership working - action
Maximising the financial resources available to households
Business resolving poverty
Lived experience engagement
What will winners receive?
Award winners will receive a certificate and a range of publicity around their win. This will include a video interview with us, mention in our newsletter and social media posts across our channels. We’ll also provide a guide to help winners publicise their win, with template social media posts and a template press release.
How will winners be selected?
Nominations will be judged by an independent panel overseen by a member of the Resolve Poverty team. Please note, winners will not be selected based on the number of nominations received – so submitting multiple nominations for one individual or organisation will not increase chances of winning.