Awards 2024

Celebrating people, organisations and networks making a real difference in resolving poverty across the UK

New for 2024, the Resolve Poverty Awards will celebrate those playing a significant role in tackling poverty in local areas and regions across the country. Nominations are now closed – award winners will be announced and celebrated across our media channels in October 2024.

Award categories

Reducing health inequalities

This award recognises local or regional responses to poverty that focus on reducing health inequalities. Nominations should include those areas that can demonstrate that resolving poverty has been made a priority for local health services and partner organisations.

Partnership working - strategy

This award recognises local or regional strategic responses to poverty. Nominations should demonstrate effective partnership working across sectors to develop and/or implement local anti-poverty strategies.

Partnership working - action

This award recognises partnership-based local or regional anti-poverty activities focussed on reducing and/or preventing poverty. Nominations should evidence that partnership-based action is delivering impact against a set of measures/targets.

Maximising the financial resources available to households

Nominations should demonstrate how they are either boosting household incomes, supporting residents with debt or reducing household outgoings at a local or regional level.  

Business resolving poverty

The private sector has a crucial role to play in resolving poverty. This award recognises businesses that are actively improving the financial wellbeing of employees.  

Lived experience engagement

Nominations should demonstrate good practice in engaging people with lived experience of poverty in their community and how this engagement is leading to transformational change to strategic, policy or practice responses to poverty.

What will winners receive?

Award winners will receive a certificate and a range of publicity around their win. This will include a video interview with us, mention in our newsletter and social media posts across our channels. We’ll also provide a guide to help winners publicise their win, with template social media posts and a template press release.

How will winners be selected?

Nominations will be judged by an independent panel overseen by a member of the Resolve Poverty team. Please note, winners will not be selected based on the number of nominations received – so submitting multiple nominations for one individual or organisation will not increase chances of winning.