July 21, 2023

Amplifying the voices of lived experience

By Daniel Oliver, Head of Programmes at Resolve Poverty

One of Resolve Poverty’s strategic aims is to embed the voices of people with lived experience in the decision-making structures of Greater Manchester.

We know that people who are living in poverty, or who have lived in poverty, bring unique experiences and expertise to designing anti-poverty solutions. As an organisation we have actively encouraged the role of lived experience in decision-making, including by running the Tameside Poverty Truth Commission and recommending that anti-poverty strategies are created in partnership with communities affected by poverty.

In 2021 we brought together a temporary Poverty Reference Group, composed of local people with lived experience of poverty, to inform the Greater Manchester Independent Inequalities Commission. This group recommended that “a new Panel should be established for people with lived experience of poverty, to complement the existing panels based on communities of identity.”

We are pleased to announce that a new Poverty Reference Group (PRG) will be established by Resolve Poverty later this year, with a view to this group becoming a permanent part of the Greater Manchester infrastructure. The PRG will bring together people from across different communities and demographics of Greater Manchester on a regular basis, to inform and influence policy and practice across the city region. The group will build positive relationships with key stakeholders across all sectors to ensure that the voices of people with lived experience of poverty are heard across relevant organisations, forums and networks.

This is an exciting step in amplifying the voices of lived experience of poverty in our city region, and we are looking forward to supporting the PRG to encourage positive change. To learn more about our plans, get in touch.

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